In healthy churches, everybody belongs, everybody serves

Disability Awareness Sunday is observed in the Reformed Church in America on the second Sunday of October. This year, that date is October 14. Disability Awareness Sunday encourages congregations to grow in becoming places of belonging for everyone to discover ways to engage their gifts in ministry, with a particular focus on people with disabilities.

We should observe this special day because all believers are called by God. Each believer has a mission to fulfill that has been given by God. The body of Christ, the church, has many parts but is one. This means that each member of Christ’s body is essential for a healthy church.

The observation of Disability Awareness Sunday can be the beginning of a new journey for your congregation, or it can further strengthen the ministry your church might already have in place for people with disabilities.

My hope as Spiritual Services Facilitator for Christian Opportunity Center is that we move together as brothers and sisters in Christ toward discipleship opportunities and worship experiences that are inclusive of all gifts and abilities. 

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