Make a Wise Investment

On Wednesday evening, I attended a fantastic community event hosted by the Pella Youth Coalition (PYC). My husband and I are members of the initial team of people who got together this spring with the vision of addressing the trend of substance abuse among the teens...

Resources for Disability Ministries

General articles on disability awareness Disability Awareness Sunday resources Accessibility and Disability Concerns United Methodist Church disability website...

Disability Awareness Sunday

In healthy churches, everybody belongs, everybody serves Disability Awareness Sunday is observed in the Reformed Church in America on the second Sunday of October. This year, that date is October 14. Disability Awareness Sunday encourages congregations to grow in...

Rod Braun Retirement to be Celebrated

After over 31 years of leadership at Christian Opportunity Center, Executive Director Rod Braun will retire at the end of June. Christian Opportunity Center would like to invite members of the community to celebrate and honor the achievements and leadership of Rod...
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