COC Change in Leadership

Effective June 28, 2018, Rod Braun will retire after 31.5 years of service as the Executive Director of COC.  Current COC Associate Director, John Eilers will succeed Braun as the Executive Director.  COC’s Leadership Team and Board of Directors have been preparing...

Why Sheltered Employment is Ending at COC

(A message from COC Executive Director Rod Braun) Why Sheltered Employment is Ending at COC On May 4, 2016, the State announced that funding for sheltered employment would end in two years. This was not a decision by the Iowa Legislature but instead was made by State...

Spiritual Services 101: A Key to COC’s Success

At Christian Opportunity Center(COC), our Christian Faith has always been a cornerstone of our organization, and we take extreme pride in that.  COC’s Spiritual Services Team is designed to meet the spiritual needs of the COC community.  Michelle De Bruin is COC’s...
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