COC Embarks on New Building Project

In 2023, the Christian Opportunity Center (COC) purchased property in Pella with the goal of building a new duplex, which the individuals in our remaining Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) will move into. These individuals currently live in one of the original COC residential homes, which was designed for up to 15 individuals.

In the disability services field, a goal of federal and state entities has been to decrease the number of individuals receiving services in “institutional” or “facility” environments (including ICFs/ID), and to instead have individuals live in community homes with no more than four individuals (funded through the Home and Community Based Services waiver). In 2022, COC was able to convert our other Pella ICF/ID home in its current location to meet this standard. But due to the layout of the one remaining ICF/ID home and its proximity to other COC administrative sites, that was not feasible for this home.

We are thankful for the years of faithful support we have received from Pella and the surrounding communities. It is because of this support, along with additional federal grant funds, that we can move forward with this project without additional fundraising.

COC has contracted with 2B Constructed Inc. to complete this project in 2024. We are excited to begin the building project and to see the new home for our individuals take shape. COC remains committed to providing excellent services and support to individuals with disabilities, while also meeting and exceeding the expectations of funders, regulators, and other COC stakeholders. Building this new home will help us continue meeting this goal!

For more information about Christian Opportunity Center, please visit

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