COC Golf Classic to be held on June 11th

Christian Opportunity Center (COC) is excited to announce the COC Golf Classic will be taking place on June 11th at the Bos Landen Golf Club in Pella. This is the 19th year for the COC Golf Classic; it remains COC’s most significant fundraising event.  In 2020, COC canceled the Golf Classic twice due to Covid.

This year’s event will look a little different compared to years past events. One such change is that there will not be a dinner after the tournament has ended.  Instead, golfers will have boxed lunches provided for them before the tournament.

The Golf Classic committee has also added a new option that will allow golfers to “Support from a Distance” if they are not ready to participate in a group event.  Golfers who choose the “Support from a Distance” option will receive a gift certificate to Bos Landen for 18 holes, a Calloway Golf shirt, and a gift bag.  These gift certificates must be redeemed during the summer of 2021. “It will be a great way for people to continue to support COC, have fun, but do it when they are comfortable,” said Amy Zuck, Golf Classic Committee chair.

A silent auction will coincide with the Golf Classic, and this year’s auction will be online only.  Anyone in the community will be able to participate in the silent auction.  Details of the silent auction will be announced on COC’s social media pages the week before the event.  COC is still accepting silent auction items. 

“We are excited to get back a bit of normalcy to our organization and experience a day of fun and fellowship as we celebrate COC.,” said Amy Zuck.

If your business wants to sponsor this year’s Golf Classic or provide a silent auction item, please contact Amy Zuck. Registration is now open for golfers at or by contacting Amy Zuck directly at 641-628-1162.

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