Partnering with COC

Thank you for considering partnering with the Christian Opportunity Center (COC) and supporting people with disabilities. Every gift is significant. Your gift will go to work in many wonderful ways.

For many friends of COC, the question is not whether to give but how to give. One-time gifts, ongoing gifts, and trusts are all options to consider.


Do you want to make a difference in the lives of people supported? If so, contact Chrissy Edsall, volunteer coordinator, by phone at 641-628-8087, ext. 1108.

Christian Opportunity Center (COC) and people supported have benefited greatly from volunteer efforts, such as:

  • Being a special friend
  • Taking people along to church
  • Visiting in group homes
  • Providing special music and entertainment
  • Assisting with swimming
  • Going for walks
  • Teaching basic computer skills
  • Serving on committees
  • Participating in a bowling league
  • Teaching Bible study classes
  • Baking cakes and remembering birthdays

COC’s volunteers also enjoy and benefit from interactive experiences, becoming more comfortable engaging people with disabilities.

As a volunteer, you can help in so many ways. Choose something you find enjoyable and worthwhile and share it with us. More volunteers are always needed and welcomed. We invite you to join us and share your interests, time, and talents.

COC Fundraiser Special Events

COC Golf Classic
Run, Walk, Roll 5K
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