Charlotte Celebrates 15 Years of Service at COC

Charlotte stepped outside of her comfort zone and did a courageous thing. She applied for a job.
Applying for a new job may not seem like a big deal, but it is something to be celebrated for all of us at COC. You see, Charlotte had only worked in COC’s Sheltered employment program since she moved to Marion County. She had never held a job in the community. With encouragement from staff and family, she applied for a job that interested her that became open at COC, the Kitchen assistant. Charlotte competitively interviewed alongside many other people, and COC offered her the position. That was 15 years ago.

Today, Charlotte still holds the same position and is still loving her job. She says, “It’s fun working in the kitchen at COC. I really like my co-workers, and I get to see my friends.”
Congratulations, Charlotte! We are so happy that you stepped outside of your comfort zone and applied for that job. You are a joy to work with every day. Thank you for your years of service to COC

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