Direct Support Professionals Are The Heart of COC

For more than 50 years, the Christian Opportunity Center (COC) has supported individuals with disabilities to realize their full potential. COC’s support and services’ success has been made possible by COC’s dedicated front-line staff, our Direct Support Professionals (DSP).   Three hundred sixty-five days a year, COC DSPs give their time, heart, and energy to help those living with an intellectual, physical, or mental disability realize their full potential.

DSPs provide countless supports and services for individuals with disabilities in COC’s residential and vocational programs. These duties can include on-the-job training, teaching life skills, independent living skills, social skills, and communication skills.  DSPs are responsible for the health, safety, and well-being of each individual they serve and work hard to keep individuals connected with their families and communities.  During the pandemic, these duties proved essential to the people we support, their families, employers, and the communities we serve.

“The past six months have been very challenging in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and keeping the people supported and staff at COC healthy and safe. The Direct Support Professionals who work at COC have risen to the challenge by going above and beyond in keeping people supported and other staff healthy and safe. The DSPs at COC has responded to the crisis with great creativity and perseverance. I am thankful for every DSP at COC who has worked selflessly for the good of others during the pandemic.” John Eilers, COC Executive Director.

The week of September 13-21st is National Direct Support Professionals (DSP) Appreciation week, but COC will celebrate our 260 DSPs during September. COC will honor each of our DSPs with gifts of appreciation and will be highlighting DSPs on social media outlets throughout the month. 

Please join COC this month as we show our appreciation for the DSPs that impact our community.  Each life a DSP touches helps our local community, families, and workforce thrive.  Whether it is helping someone live independently, obtain employment, or are simply being a friend, the work of each DSP results in a substantial positive impact on our community.  DSPs are the Heart of COC. 

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