Residential Services


Residential Services-Supported Community Living

COC provides daily SCL in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) homes, where support is available 24/7. These programs provide training and support to help people develop independent living skills while living in shared homes. People supported share common living areas, laundry facilities, and bathrooms, though they have their own individual rooms. Individual bedrooms and home décor express the tastes and preferences of the occupants. COC’s staff members, called Living Skills Advisors, are encouraged to be partners, not parents, and to be supporters, not servers.

COC has both HCBS and HCBS+ residential programs. Both programs provide individuals with opportunities to be active members of the communities in which they live. The HCBS+ program is designed to provide more intensive supports through higher staffing ratios and on-call nursing support. The people supported by Christian Opportunity Center (COC) decide with their teams what living arrangement best suits their individual needs and are encouraged to be as independent as possible.

The COC staff also provides guidance and support with a Christian emphasis in accordance with our values. The staff gives opportunities for devotional times and facilitates participation in local churches, including attending worship services and Bible study groups. Participation in these activities is always optional and a personal choice for the people we support.

COC has HCBS homes in Pella, Oskaloosa, Knoxville, Indianola, and the Des Moines metro area.

COC has HCBS+ homes in Pella and Indianola.


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