Spare Some Time Fun-Raiser Bowling Event A Huge Success

For over 30 years, Christian Opportunity Center has offered services to people with disabilities in Mahaska County. COC supports 240 individuals living, working, and worshiping in communities like Oskaloosa. Making meaningful connections and friendships is essential but challenging for the individuals, COC supports. They are often seen as different and not fully contributing members of a community; this can often lead to isolation and loneliness. The COC Spare Some Time Bowling Fun-Raiser is an event that helps build bridges between people with disabilities and community members and raises funds to support the work of COC.

The COC Spare Some Time Bowling Fun-Raiser was held on April 10th in Oskaloosa. Statesmen Lanes and Event Center hosted over 80 bowlers who came together for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. The bowlers consisted of the people COC supports, businesses, league bowlers, and volunteers from the Oskaloosa High and William Penn Bowling teams. 

The weeks leading up to the event were celebrated by challenges focused on bowling, friendship, and community. These challenges included drawing a picture of what friendship means to me, creating your own bowling alley, and Karaoke with a bowling twist. Winners were chosen weekly.

The event also included a silent auction and a raffle. Statesmen Lanes and Oskaloosa True Value donated raffle items, and several local businesses donated silent auction items. The afternoon’s competition was intensified when an anonymous donor pledged $1 for each strike. At the end of the event, all bowlers stacked up 190 strikes!  

Each person supported was awarded a medal for their participation in the event.  The medals were provided by Tony Witt, the manager of Statesmen Lanes. COC would like to thank all sponsors, Statesmen Lanes and Event Center, Manager Tony Witt, the bowlers, volunteers, and persons supported for making it an event to remember.  

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