One-Time Donations

  • Donate to COC online via PayPal.
  • Donate through Venmo with username @givetoCOC.
  • Send a check to COC, 1553 Broadway, Pella, IA 50219.
  • Name COC in your will so COC will receive a percentage of your estate.
  • Transfer part or all of your individual retirement account (IRA) to COC as long as you are over 70½. You may also make COC the beneficiary of your IRA.
  • Give appreciated stocks, bonds, other securities, real estate, farms, or other property to COC.

On-Going Gifts

  • Use a charitable gift annuity to provide a financial framework for funds to be given to COC. A cash return is given to the person for whom the annuity is named.
  • There are several options for setting up life insurance policies to benefit COC.
  • Give the ownership of an annuity to COC.


  • A supplemental needs trust is a designated fund used for the supplemental needs of a person. There are no fees or charges for the management by COC for these trusts.
  • A special needs trust sets up a trust specifically to handle assets that will be used by a person or person(s) for a specific purpose, such as the life expenses for a person with disabilities.
  • A revocable trust names certain individuals and organizations and outlines how they are to receive assets and funds.
  • An irrevocable trust names certain individuals and organizations and the amounts, methods, and terms under which they are to receive funds.
  • A family trust is a trust into which a family may put assets with the purpose of providing income and expending funds from this trust.
  • A charitable remainder unitrust holds assets that will be distributed to charitable organizations using the guidelines and interest of those setting up the trust. This trust has favorable tax benefits, and deductions may be taken while the person is alive.


  • When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Christian Opportunity Center. Bookmark the link and support COC every time you shop!


  • Use for everyday activities like searching the web and shopping online. Select Christian Opportunity Center by clicking “Find a cause to support” and Goodsearch will make a donation to COC when you complete an action!